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Jan 31st 2023

All you need to know about our 14 point mobility scooter servicing plan

Mobility scooters are a great way to give users more independence and improve quality of life, however they can incur significant upfront costs and require commitment to upkeep. It’s important to make sure that your scooter remains safe and is functioning to the best of its ability, so ensuring that your scooter is regularly serviced will keep it in top working order for years to come. 

We offer a 14 point mobility scooter servicing plan, in which our expert engineers will perform extensive tests and checks on your mobility scooter. If you’re still unsure about why you should be having your scooter serviced regularly, here are the three main reasons why you should.

Why should you service your scooter?

  • The life of the battery in your scooter will affect the distance you will be able to travel and could limit you from travelling as much as you would like. When servicing your scooter, your battery and charger may be checked, as well as the distance your scooter can travel per charge. 

Our 14 point servicing plan

With all of the above points considered, we offer a reliable 14 point servicing plan to ensure that your scooter is safe and functioning to the best of its ability. Our experienced engineers are fully trained to deliver in depth servicing to your scooter, so you can have peace of mind knowing your mobility scooter is in safe hands. 

The service plan includes the following.

  1. Checking the voltage with a multimeter
  2. Checking the brushes on the motor
  3. Checking all wires and connection plugs
  4. Checking all relevant areas are lubricated
  5. Checking that the steering rack is aligned
  6. Checking the brakes to ensure they’re working correctly
  7. Checking the function of all bulbs
  8. Checking that all wheels are tyres are fixed and inflated correctly
  9. Check all fixings are secure including wing mirrors, basket, arm rests and accessories
  10. Checking that the battery charger is correctly operating
  11. Completing a thorough road test to ensure that the scooter is operating safely (minimum distance of 500m)
  12. Taking note of any replacement parts needed
  13. Taking a photo of the scooters batch label
  14. Giving the scooter a thorough clean 

At, we are dedicated to creating a network of trusted mobility dealers and buyers, helping customers across the UK access mobility scooters to suit their various requirements and budgets.

For any questions related to mobility scooters and servicing, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team here.