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Mar 23rd 2023

3 benefits of using an online comparison site

It’s safe to say that online comparison sites have significantly changed the way consumers shop - offering those looking to purchase flights abroad, or a new car insurance policy, with a multitude of options at the touch of a button.

Businesses can capitalise on this new purchasing behaviour, which is often driven by price, in order to maximise their profits, sell their USPs, grow their business and build their brand within a changing retail landscape.

So whether you’re buying or selling, or just interested in finding out more about how online comparison sites work, we’re here to help.

Generate sales

The number one reason why retailers, dealers, or private sellers upload products to an online marketplace is to generate sales. Whether that’s to drive up profitability, or to generate additional return on investment for an expensive purchase you no longer want, listing your products online will help your customers make more informed buying decisions and boost traffic to your alternative sales channels.

Widen exposure

While this point is probably more relevant to businesses, the same can be said for individuals looking to build a profitable side-hustle. Positioning your brand alongside key competitors stocking the same or similar products within your marketplace will help to enhance your exposure and build the trust that exists with your desired audience segment. In a matter of minutes, your business will be visible to hundreds, if not thousands of potential customers visiting the comparison site. You might even be able to take advantage of additional opportunities to enhance your presence through social or paid advertising in partnership with the platform.

Build trust

Using a reputable online marketplace is a great way to build up the trust that exists between your customers and your business/brand. While the user interface will differ between comparison sites, you will usually have the ability to collect customer reviews and ratings for your products - an easy way to generate positive word of mouth marketing. It is however important to note that this leaves you exposed to receiving both positive and negative reviews - depending on the customer’s experience with your brand. You therefore need to make sure that you’re offering the very best customer experience and ensure that your products live up to their descriptions. Every part of the buying journey can impact your feedback, so it’s vital that you tighten up your processes and invest in appropriate quality control at every stage.

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